Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Want to Strengthen a Weak Voice?

Try these technique:

Have you experienced talking to an audience? And see the audience yawning or doing something else like looking or tinkering at their cellphones or talking to the person who sits beside them, probably they can't hear your voice. It would be a disastrous experience and probably will lessen your confidence the next time you face or give a talk to bunch of people.
Well, here are exercise that you can use for you to strengthen your weak voice. Yes, there are exercise that could let you win those important talks, interview or business proposal.
In doing these exercise, place your hand just below your ribs and feel the
front wall of
your body expand and contract. It should expand as you
breathe in and contract as you
breathe out
  1. Inhale slowly; hold the breath without straining; then exhale slowly, watching the second hand of the clock. Can you reach twenty seconds in one exhalation? As you keep practicing this exercise, gradually increase your count, avoiding all tension, particularly in the throat.
  2. Inhale slowly; as you exhale, whistle as softly as you can. For how many seconds can you continue to whistle steadily without taking another breath? Practice this and try to increase your holding power.
  3. Inhale fully, and say ee softly as you exhale. Do the same with a, ah, oh, oo. Listen for wavering or irregularity in breath. Practice until the sounds come out in even flow

When increasing the volume, do not raise the pitch . Keep an open
throat and a loose
jaw. A rigid jaw causes unpleasant tones.
  1. Try saying the sentence "Wait for me" to (a) someone just in front of you; (b) someone out in the hall (c.) someone in the back of the auditorium ( you are on the stage); (d) someone a half block from you on the street.
  2. Count from one to twenty, increasing the energy and volume of each number. Reverse the exercise, beginning with a strong tone and gradually diminishing the volume.
  3. Say, "This is the best voice that I can use." Try it first in unison in the class: then take your turn. Go around the class three times .
  1. Practice humming. Then say (a) me, ma, mo, moo; (b.) e, a, ah, oh, oo; (c) The wind is howling fiercely tonight; the icy gale has almost frozen my fingers.
So what are you waiting for? Hop on and start practicing and show everyone your winning speeches using these steps so you'll have lots of winning moments. Success will be on your way. Soar high.

Here are some books you can read that could give you more and enriching insights in public speaking.

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